Monday, July 23, 2007

About Destiny Centre International, Mysore

Destiny Centre International,Mysore is the product of God's providential hand.Sensing the Lord's calling into full time ministry,the church was born in the year 2000.
Destiny Center International,Mysore is a dynamic, multi-cultural church, full of life. We come together corporately for celebration services Sunday morning and function in smaller groups called cells during the week. This maintains the advantage of a close-knit fellowship no matter how large we grow. It also helps us not to confine the church to the pulpit. We believe God's people should be responsible and accountable, so all members are encouraged to be involved. Children ages 4-12 meet separately during the adult service, they learn solid Biblical principles.
At Destiny Centre, God has given us a divine mandate to make disciples, to build and to equip them so that they may realize their full potential in Christ. This will enable them to discover their God-given purpose in life, thereby enabling them to get fully involved in the work of ministry. We believe every believer is both a priest and a minister, and by using their unique, God-given gifts and talents, they can cause an impact locally and globally in the expansion of God's Kingdom.
Desitiny Centre is a Church with strong empahsis on worship,a relavant word for today's society and a deep committment to both prayer and missions.Together we shine His light into our communities and the world beyond by evangelistic outreaches as well as through prayer and intercession.We also partner with like-minded Churches and organizations in our endeavour to touch India for Christ.We welcome you to be part of us. Please uphold us in your prayers and support us in any other way the Lord leads you to.
We hope you will be blessed, challenged and greatly motivated in your own walk with the Lord as you fellowship with us at Destiny Centre.You are welcome to fellowship with us whenever you are in Mysore.

1 comment:

Duran Martin said...

Could you share with me the address how to get to your church from the Railway Station please ?